New Information HUBBLE 1.15 1. HUBBLE create many temporary files whiles the program is running. If the program is aborted abnormally or unexpectedly, these temporary files may be left in the hubble directory, use DELTEMP.BAT to clean up these files. Alternatively, users can use the following commands to clean up temporary files. ** CHANGE TO HUBBLE DIRECTORY ** [Content of DELTEMP.BAT] del DB*. del DI*. del CB*. del FI*. del DB*.A* del DI*.A* del CB*.A* del FI*.A* 2. SOME LIMITATION FOR THIS VERSION OF HUBBLE ** These limitation will be lifted in the upcoming version ** ** ALL REGISTERED USERS WILL RECEIVE A FREE UPGRADE soon ** A. Toolsbox's size limitation and work around. Currently, some toolsbox (Area Fill and Image Patching) cannot handle very large image. The work around is to divide the operation into smaller unit of operation, use other equivalent or comparable tools, etc. A.1 TOOLSBOX:(Area Fill) If the area to fill is too big, users may have to fill part of the area first, then continue to fill other part of the area. First, Click on area of interest, click on , then continue to fill other area until all area is filled. A.2 TOOLSBOX:(Image Patching) If the patching area is too big, use the TOOLSBOX:(RECTANGLE) instead. However, in TOOLSBOX:(RECTANGLE), only rectangular selected area is allowed. B. Capture to Clipboard Capture to Clipboard is currently disabled. Users should use "Capture to Window" and the "Copy to Clipboard", both are from "Edit menu" C. CUSTOM CONVERSION DITHERING Although progress report window has a button, it is currently disabled, i.e. users cannot interrupt the operation. 3. KNOWN PROBLEMS ** These problems will be corrected in the upcoming version ** ** ALL REGISTERED USERS WILL RECEIVE A FREE UPGRADE soon ** A. TOOLSBOX:(Image Patching) A.1 Do not give correct result for black and white image. Please use TOOLSBOX:(RECTANGLE) instead. A.2 With some display driver resolution and number of colors which of Trident driver for 8900CL on a 286 machine, error in operation has been observed (only for some drivers). (however, this problem do not occur when test on a 386 machine with 8900D Trident Display Adapter) Should your system encounter problem, Change and test the driver for different resolution or number of colors. Otherwise, use TOOLSBOX:(RECTANGLE) instead. B. TOOLSBOX:(Area Fill) B.1 Sometime the process is aborted and users will be asked to click on other part of the area. Choose another point (at different location) in the area and click the left mouse button to redo the area fill operation. B.2 Although TOOLSBOX:(Area Fill) will fill a fairly complex area even with a lot of hole inside the area. However, in a relatively rare cases, some very complex area do cause the operation to be failed. C. If users encounter any problem, please complete the form from the file "PROBLEMS.FRM" and send it to HUBBLE SOFTWARE COMPANY. 4. NOTES ON DISPLAY OPTIONS (from Option Menu) A. Edit Color Correction When editing the image, if there is any distortion in shape or or color after writing changes to the image, users may have to change setting for this option. In general, convert to 8-bits (256-colors) image is suggested for some image editing operations, because of speed and ease of processing. B. Moved Area Is Resizeable Check Box. --> TOOLSBOX:(Image Patching). This checkbox control the operation of TOOLSBOX:(Image Patching). Some display driver may have produced distorted colors if the moved shape is resized. Currently, resizing only work well for true color (24-bits) image on true color or hi-color display adapter. (hi-color of either 32K or 64K colors display adapter). C. 24-bits Display Correction Check Box. (rearely needed) Check this box if you have problem when trying to display un-ditherred version of a true color image on a non true color or palette base display adapter. D. Auto Ditherred Image Update. (rearely needed) Since there are two version of image which are created for 24-bits true color images. These two versions will be updated independently. If this box is checked, a ditherred version of the image will be re-created from the modified (24-bits) true color image. E. Display Method F. Basic VGA Palette 5. System Dependent Problems A. Cannot Create Large Bitmap Some display adapter driver may not support large very large bitmap. A.1 Cannot capture a very large area of the screen. ** SOLUTION ** A.1.1 UNcheck MemoryDib checkbox from (Option Menu : Profile). A.1.2 Change to different display driver. This new driver may support different number of color and/or resolution. 6. MISSING FEATURES IN THIS VERSION Features that are still not implemented in version 1.15 are: 1. Image scaling that preserve aspect ratio is still not implemented. 2. pattern selection. 3. In SAVE option, some compression method are not currently supported: - compression for BMP format. - CCITT compression for TIFF format. (image will be saved as no compression) 4. Some specialized contrast control. 5. Postscript support. These features will be implemented in latter version. 7. SPEED OF PROCESSING Some procedure process faster for 8-bits (256-colors or 256 gray levels) images. 8. NOTES ON OS/2 A. Image Acquisition Some scanner driver may not function properly under OS/2. If this is the case, contact your scanner manufacturer for model and/or driver which can be used under OS/2. In this case, users may use image aquisition software which bundled with that scanner on its specified environment, and use HUBBLE for further editing and processing. B. Capture to Window B.1 If running HUBBLE under OS/2 Users can begin drag mouse and capture only on Windows application. To capture other part of the OS/2 desktop, users should place a dummy Windows application above and to the left of the area intended to be captured (even as minimized icon -- users may have to change the setting so that this dummy application is minimized to the OS/2 desktop instead of minimized windows), then begin drag mouse from this Windows. After the capturing operation is completed, users can then trim the image by B.1.1 Trim Image command from the edit menu. B.1.2 Use TOOLSBOX:(RECTANGLE) to copy only the intended area. B.2 Many instances of HUBBLE may be running concurrently. So, another instance of HUBBLE may be fired up and "minimize ON DESKTOP" to serve this purpose.